What you clean with
One way or another, your baby is likely to come in contact with just about every surface of your home, so consider the types of household cleaners you use. Look for cleaners and detergents that can get the job done without leaving unwanted residues or harsh fumes in your baby’s environment. Brands like Seventh Generation are now easily available in most stores.
If you have time on your hands and like to DIY, consider making your own cleaners and detergents. Some recipes use simple pantry staples.
Vinegar deodorizes, and a quarter-cup can even be added to your laundry rinse cycle to remove the last bit of detergent from your clothes.
Lemon juice makes a great produce wash, but can be used around the home as well. It’ll cut grease, lighten stains on clothes, and if you mix it with baking soda, it can be used to polish brass, copper, bronze, and aluminum.
Clean floors for crawling and play
Your little one will spend a lot of time low to the ground. A primary way dust and pollutants enter the home is by the bottom of your shoes. A simple way to cut down on how dirty your floors get is to take your shoes off at the door and ask guests to do the same.
If you’re looking to put new floors in your nursery, consider hardwood. The foam pads under carpet are often treated with harsh flame-retardants, and the carpets can have stain-repellents.
If you have a lot of carpet in your home, you’ll want to vacuum frequently and keep it really dry after spills to prevent bacteria growth.
Consider a playmat, or area rug made with natural fibers that you can keep your baby on. Another simple way to cut down on how dirty your floors get is to take your shoes off at the door.
Fresh air for a fresh home
Thanks to fumes from furniture, flooring, conventional and household cleaners and many other offenders in modern day homes, it is estimated that the average home contains air that’s two to five times more polluted than the air outside. While identifying the source can be complex, the answer is simple – let some fresh air in!
You spend a majority of your time inside, so it makes sense to take a few steps to have clean air in your home. Crack open your windows from time to time, and turn on a couple fans if you’ve got them to get air circulating. For fresher air, test how green your thumb is with a few plants that naturally clean the air you breathe.
Baking soda is a natural odor absorber. You can sprinkle a little on a carpet, then vacuum it up after letting it sit for a bit.
A healthy community
Having a support system of fellow parents that share your interest in creating healthy environments is a great way to learn new info, stay motivated, and ensure your child has plenty of places to play that you feel comfortable with.
Our partners at Seventh Generation have created an online community called Generation Good that’s full of parents dedicated to creating the first toxin-free generation. It’s a lofty goal, but one that we’re excited about. As a member of Generation Good, you’ll get access to an awesome community, special offers like samples and coupons, and the ability to take on missions that affect real change in our lives and environment.
Want to build your community offline? Consider applying to host a Healthy Baby Home Party. In March, 2,000 hosts will be selected to receive a free kit filled with all they need to help other parents learn about chemicals of concern in their family’s environment, share tips and strategies for around the home, and provide, eco-friendly products to try for free. Each free kit comes fully stocked for 12 guests! It’s a great way to introduce an important issue in a mom group, daycare meeting, or playground meetup, and then provide enough samples for everyone to get started at home!
Tap the button below to join and explore Generation Good, apply to host a Healthy Baby Home Party, and sign up, see if you qualify for a free sample in the meantime!
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