Start small
Every magazine on the newsstand might be screaming with headlines about how celebrities are “getting their bodies back” after giving birth, but that’s a lot of smoke and mirrors. Don’t overexert yourself on your first day back at the gym or the park.
Try starting with a simple walk — you can even take your baby along with you! Orbit Baby has a hybrid jogging stroller called the O2 stroller that can be adjusted for walking, running, or hiking.
Don’t push yourself
We know, this is the opposite of the usual workout advice, but being a new mom can be exhausting. If you make yourself miserable working out, you won’t want to keep doing it, and you’ll fall behind in your fitness goals. If you find yourself dreading a workout, skip it! It’s best to keep your exercise experiences positive so you won’t associate working out with being unhappy.
Remember, you’re not in this alone. Plenty of other moms have gone through this before you; don’t forget to reach out if you need support or advice.
Try something new
Your life is different with a baby, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to keep up your old routines if running a mile at 5 o’clock every morning no longer fits into your schedule. If you usually lift weights, try some yoga. If you typically beeline to the elliptical at the gym, try out a bike.
Think about joining a walking or running group; you might meet a group of other moms looking to stay active and support one another in postpartum fitness. If you do join a group, you might spy the O2 stroller being pushed by some other moms trying to stay active. It’s super adaptable, so it’s perfect for transitioning from a run on the trail to a run to the store.
Get up and get moving with an Orbit Baby O2 stroller! The hybrid design allows you to convert it from everyday strolling to performance mode for running or jogging. Plus, you can change the direction your baby’s facing with the stroller’s swivel design. For a short time only, when you buy an Orbit Baby O2 hybrid jogging stroller, you’ll receive a carrier and sun cover free!
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