
5 ways to protect your newborn’s delicate skin

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That flawless bundle of cuddles you’re waiting to hold will be a bit softer than you. Their sensitive skin will be wonderful to touch, but it’s also easily irritated. Here’s how you can help take good care of it.

1. Be careful at bathtime

Between diaper changes and spit up cleanup, you’ll be wiping your baby down pretty frequently. Bathtime is your opportunity to clean and bond with your baby, but bathing also removes protective oils from the skin, which can lead to dryness.

With your newborn, you might want to consider an every-other-day bathing routine. For little messes that come in between baths, a baby wipe should be more than enough.

2. Wash clothes separately

It can be a good idea to wash your infant’s clothes separately from yours. Many detergents contain ingredients that may irritate a baby’s skin, but there are some alternatives that can clean even the yuckiest messes.

Dreft Stage 1: Newborn Liquid Detergent is made specifically for newborn babies and their sensitive skin. The hypoallergenic formula is the #1 choice of pediatricians and has been used by moms for more than 80 years. It’s designed to be gentle on your baby’s skin, but it’s tough enough on stains that you might throw it in with your clothes too.

3. Watch out for diaper rash

Diaper rash isn’t fun, but it’s something your little one may experience at one point or another. If their diaper holds moisture against their skin, contains ingredients that can cause irritation, or just doesn’t fit well, you might see a rash develop.

It’s hard to predict which diaper will fit your baby best, so consider trying out a few different brands before you settle on one. If you do encounter diaper rash, it can usually be remedied with air drying, ointment, or more frequent diaper changes.

4. Leave zits alone

You might find that your baby develops a little acne. This is typically caused by hormones in their system that they got from you while in the womb. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal.

Unlike how you might handle your own pimples, resist the temptation to pop them. Sometimes this can lead to scarring. Instead, just make an extra effort to keep the affected area clean and dry. The acne should clear up in a few weeks.

5. Stay out of the sun

For the first six months, it’s recommended that you don’t use sunscreen on your baby’s skin. Instead, try to keep your little one shaded. Adorable sun hats will be your new best friend!

When you go for walks, aim for times when the sun is rising or setting to help limit exposure. Shorts and T-shirts may be fine for you, but keep your newborn fully covered when possible. Look for light fabrics that provide full-coverage in the summer time.

When you wash those light fabrics, consider using Dreft Newborn Liquid Detergent. The gentle Dreft formula will clean all of those adorable shirts and onesies without irritating your baby’s sensitive skin.

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