Prepare for visitors
No, not just the little one you’re expecting. After you have your baby, it’s likely that friends and family will descend upon your home with offers to make food, run errands, or babysit. As wonderful as all of that support is, your helpers might also need somewhere to stay.
If you’re a bundle of energy leading up to your due date, maybe you’ll fluff up some pillows, throw a couple blankets in the guest room, or double-check that your air mattress still inflates. To get really luxurious, you can wash some sheets and towels with Dreft Blissfuls In-Wash Scent Booster to convince your guests that everything in your home smells baby-fresh all the time.
Make meals in advance
Many moms receive meals as gifts for the first few weeks after they give birth, but you might want to stock up on meals of your own as well. It’s possible that you won’t get as much food as you expected, or the food might not be exactly what you’re craving. You know yourself best! Before your due date, think about preparing some meals that are easy to make, freeze, and eat.
No matter what you’re cooking, cleaning up doesn’t need to be too difficult. Dreft Gentle Clean Multi-Surface Wipes can help wipe down your kitchen, and they’re also safe for any surfaces your baby might come into contact with.
Finish up the nursery
There’s really no rush to complete the nursery before your baby arrives; they won’t notice the unpainted walls, after all. But if you wake up at 5 a.m. with the urge to hang up artwork, go for it! There might still be clothes to put away, blankets to fold, or bookcases to put together.
To avoid over-exerting yourself, leave the task of moving heavy furniture to a non-pregnant friend or loved one.
Wash all the new baby clothes
If you’re like most people, you aren’t always too concerned with washing your new clothes before you wear them. While that might work for you, your baby’s skin will be more sensitive. Because it’s likely that your baby won’t have a chance to wear all of their clothes, don’t do all of the laundry at once. If you have unused clothes that your baby outgrows, you can always return or donate them.
To prepare for your little one’s arrival, do a couple loads of things they’ll be wearing or interacting with their first few weeks, like onesies, shirts, and blankets. As you need more clothes, you can start adding new items to your laundry loads. To protect your baby’s sensitive skin, consider using Dreft Stage 1: Newborn Liquid Detergent. Its hypoallergenic formula was designed just for babies, and it’s the #1 recommended detergent by pediatricians.
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