multitemplate quiz

Quiz: Which breast pump is right for you?

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There are tons of breast pumps on the market. If you’re getting your insurance to cover the cost, then you’re likely only going to get one pump, so take this quiz to make sure you end up with a pump that will meet your needs.

Which alliterative phrase describes your ideal pump?

Pure pumping power!
Simple and sensible
Reviewer recommended

How portable do you need your breast pump to be?

My pump needs to be portable
I’ll mostly be pumping in one place
I like having the option

Do you mind how your pump looks?

Form over function for me
I kind of care about it being cute
I couldn’t care less how it looks

How much time do you have to clean parts?

Dishwasher safe would be helpful
It’s really important to save time
No preference

Weird question: how do you feel about knobs on things?

Sure, I can turn a dial
I’d much prefer buttons
Buttons and a display screen please!

Are you worried about the ingredients in your plastic?

Not very concerned
Concerned about BPA
Concerned about BPA and DEHP

How many accessories will you buy to go with your pump?

I’d like my setup to be “tricked out”
I already have most of what I need
Just the pump is fine

Any brand preferences?



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