Tracking fertility with an irregular cycle

It’s not always easy to predict your period when you have an irregular cycle, but it is easy to make a note of when your period does come. Having a record of your cycle can help you understand if there is some sort of pattern to your periods. It’s also useful information for your healthcare provider.

Keep tracking consistently

Remember to track your period even when it doesn’t remember to come. A system like Ovia’s is useful because you can record every day whether your period comes, rather than just recording it if something does happen. When you’re making a note every single day, you’re less likely to forget to log a period. You want to look back and know the difference between a period that never came, and a period you forgot to record.

Look for all the signs

The arrival of your period is a great way to understand where you are in your menstrual cycle, but there are also other things you can look for. Check your cervical fluid to see the color and consistency, take your basal body temperature, and find your cervical position. These things can help you figure out whether you’re ovulating, if you’re in your fertile window, and what’s going on with your menstrual cycle. They are your body’s natural signs, and for women with irregular cycles, may be the best way to identify the fertile window.

Sometimes an irregular or absent period can indicate that you’re not ovulating, in which case these other signs would be difficult to track.

Identify why your period might be irregular

If you can pinpoint the reason why your period is irregular, you might actually be able to regulate it yourself and see improvement through tracking. For irregular periods caused by factors such as dieting, over-exercising, or stress, it’s possible to correct your cycle by making lifestyle changes. When you continue to track your period while making those changes, you might see progress in the regularity of your period.

Talk to your healthcare provider

An irregular period could indicate that you have an underlying condition impacting your health or your fertility. If you’re consistently missing periods or have an irregular cycle, talk to your healthcare provider about it at your next appointment. They may want to screen you for some potentially related disorders.

  • “Abnormal menstruation.” Cleveland Clinic. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. 2015. Web.
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