
Frequently asked feeding questions

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Our partners at Enfamil are feeding experts, so we tapped their resources for some added insights in answering your questions. If you’re looking for more advice when it comes to feeding, consider joining Enfamil Family Beginnings. You’ll receive timely information and tips tailored to, from pregnancy to toddlerhood.

Q: “How long do you go between each feeding?”

There’s two different schools of thought when it comes to timing feedings: “demand feeding” and “schedule feeding”. For newborns, demand feeding is best; this means that when your newborn is hungry, they get food.

Breastfed newborns should nurse 8-12 times every 24 hours because they have tiny stomachs. You should wake up your sleeping baby to feed every 3-4 hours during the first weeks of life. Frequent feedings send signals to your body to produce more milk!

Q: Am I producing enough milk?

A: If you’re breastfeeding, the best way to evaluate your milk supply is to ask yourself three questions:

  • Is my baby gaining weight?
  • Does my baby gulp and swallow when they feed?
  • Does my baby wet their diaper 6 times and have several bowel movements per day?

If the answer isn’t yes to all three, you’ll want to check in with your healthcare provider to make sure your baby is getting enough food.

Q: “How do I know if my baby has colic?”

A: It can be hard to distinguish a generally fussy baby from one with colic. Sudden, loud crying, and fussiness, often lasting for about 3 hours, in babies who are otherwise healthy could indicate colic. Babies with colic may pull their knees up or become stiff and turn red, sometimes getting gassy. Colic can be frustrating because the crying continues even after the baby has been fed, changed, and made as comfortable as possible.

Sometimes, colic might be linked to a sensitivity to a food in your diet if you are breastfeeding or by sensitivity to milk protein in formula. Try switching up your diet for few days to see if it helps – taking out milk products, spicy foods, caffeine, and gassy foods like cabbage, garlic, and broccoli. Check with your baby’s doctor for advice to rule out the possibility of a more serious condition.

Q: “Can I combine breastfeeding and formula feeding?”

A: You can!

It’s very common to supplement breastfeeding with formula. If you’re returning to work, don’t have a strong supply, or find it necessary to leave your baby with another caregiver for extended periods of time, formula can be an ideal solution.

If you’re supplementing with formula it’s best to wait until your milk supply is established to get started, typically around six weeks.

Q: “How do you switch to formula if you need to?”

A: If you have the luxury of choosing when the transition will happen, like if you’re going back to work on a certain day, you’ll want to make the transition gradual.

It could be best to start about a month beforehand. This lets your baby gradually adjust to bottle-feeding, and it helps prevent engorgement for you, which can happen if you stop breastfeeding too quickly.

To begin, skip one breastfeeding session—the one your baby is least interested in, or the one that’s most inconvenient for you—and replace it with a bottle. Gradually drop additional breastfeedings, one at a time, over the course of the month until you’ve reached your desired schedule.

Q: “Where can I get more information about feeding?”

A: Sign up for Enfamil Family Beginnings! Not only will you receive timely advice, but you’ll also gain access to numerous publications from Enfamil experts.

There’s a lot to learn about nourishing your newborn, and having a partner like Enfamil there to keep you informed is a great idea. Plus, when you join Enfamil Family Beginnings, you’ll receive samples, coupons, and special offers that make meeting your feeding goals easier.

Tap the button below to sign up, and see if you’re eligible to receive up to $325 in free gifts.

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