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Clumsiness: Is it just having an “off” day?

Breaking, dropping, or bumping into things are all examples of clumsiness. If you’re having poor coordination, you might be experiencing clumsiness.

What causes clumsiness?

Your clumsiness might not be a sign of anything except you maybe having an off-day. Clumsiness can also be a sign of anxiety and stress, a symptom of sleep deprivation, or a side effect of drug and alcohol use.


There is not much you can do to treat clumsiness, so the best you can hope for is to manage it. Get at least eight hours of sleep every night, and if you’ve been experiencing problems with balance, it might be a smart idea to avoid high heels, walking on the ice, and other situations like ladders where you might be at risk. Try to find some healthy stress-management techniques if you’ve been feeling a lot of anxiety lately, and talk to your provider if your clumsiness becomes an ongoing issue.

  • Jim Folke, et al. “Coordination Problems, Clumsiness Anxiety Symptoms.” AnxietyCentre., Mar 2017. Web.
  • “Sleep deprivation: Symptoms.” NCBI. PubMed Health Glossary, US National Library of Medicine, NIH, HHS, Feb 2012. Web.

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