5 ways to pay for fertility treatment

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When you’re considering fertility treatment, cost can be an obstacle. In vitro fertilization (IVF) can have a starting cost of around $8,000, but costs often increase significantly with the additional tests, procedures, and medications involved. Even the less expensive option of intrauterine insemination (IUI) can cost $300 to $800, which multiplies if you undergo multiple insemination procedures. Add in the cost of various medications, and you’re likely looking at a significant bill.1

It can be difficult to prepare financially for an unexpected circumstance like infertility, so many couples don’t have enough money set aside to cover fertility treatment on their own. Our partners at Fertility Lifelines have information about a few different financing options available to you.

Taking out loans

Check in with your bank or financing companies in your area to see if they can give you a loan to help pay for your fertility treatment. This way, rather than paying a lump sum for treatment, you can make monthly payments toward your loan. Some fertility clinics have relationships with financing companies and can connect you with loan providers.

You could also borrow money from friends or family and work out your own schedule for repayment. Some couples have found success in crowdfunding or by asking friends and family for help with fertility treatment as a gift, though it’s totally understandable if that’s not an option, especially if you’d like to keep your fertility journey private. The important thing to know is that there are options out there, and finding the one that’s right for you is a great first step towards achieving your goal of parenthood.

Financing through fertility clinics

There are some fertility clinics that will offer alternate payment plans for procedures like IVF. Similar to taking out a loan, you’d avoid the need for a lump sum and be able to pay off the procedure in a more manageable way. Some clinics may also offer more traditional financing plans to patients. Your healthcare provider may be able to direct you to a clinic that offers payment programs.

Using tax deductions

This isn’t an immediate solution for paying for treatment, but you and your partner may be able to list your medical expenses as deductions on your income tax returns. You’ll need to keep organized records of both your expenses and interactions with your healthcare provider and insurance company, including all dates and receipts. Make sure that you speak with a tax advisor or accountant before counting on these deductions to pursue treatment.

Applying for grants

There are some specific grants available that are dedicated to helping cover the cost of infertility treatments and assisted reproductive technology. Some are available only to U.S. citizens, and others are just for residents of specific states, but they can provide substantial assistance to couples who meet the requirements. Some of these grants from organizations like The Cade Foundation and Journey to Parenthood, offer more than $10,000 toward assisted reproductive therapy, and they’re easily searchable online.

Saving money on medication

Our partners at Fertility Lifelines created the Compassionate Care Program that provides eligible self-pay patients with discounts on select medications based on their income. Active duty military and veterans receive a minimum of 25% off through the program as well. Fertility Lifelines also offers a co pay card to eligible patients with private insurance; this can help save up to $250 on out-of-pocket costs on select medications.

Battling infertility is tough on its own, and finding ways to help cover fertility costs can be one way to ease that burden. Our partners at Fertility Lifelines believe that couples should have options when it comes to paying for fertility treatment. Tap the button below to learn more about ways to pay for treatment and how to save on certain fertility medications.

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  1. The Costs of Infertility Treatment. RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association website. http://www.resolve.org/family-building-options/making-treatment-affordable/the-costs-of-infertility- treatment.html. Accessed February 15, 2017.
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