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Quiz: How will you find your perfect nanny?

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The perfect nanny is different for every family. Some parents want a caregiver who can run around at the park and provide transportation, and others are looking for someone who can help cook and teach their little one a new language. What kind of qualities does your perfect nanny have, and how will you find them?

How old is your child?

Under 1 year old
2-4 years old
Over 4 years old
A range! I have more than one

What’s your favorite thing to do with your little one?

Snuggling…or napping
Playing and being active
Reading together
It’s new every day!

What’s your parenting speciality?

I have the cure to every tantrum
I don’t sweat the small stuff
I know a lot about health and development
I’m always looking for new games and activities

What could you use help with?

I’d love to know more about nutrition
Teaching my baby another language!
Keeping all our appointments and schedules
Just being able to spend more time with family

What sort of qualities are you looking for in a caregiver?

Someone who’s skilled at juggling a bunch of things
A person with lots of energy who’s excited about kids!
Someone who loves my little one (almost) as much as I do!
A degree in child development wouldn’t hurt!

How often would you want your nanny to be around?

During the week during work hours
Mostly on the weekends
My schedule changes a lot; it would vary

Why are you most looking forward to having full-time care?

I want my family to bond with one caregiver
I need a lot of help with household tasks
I want someone with specific expertise
I need someone who knows our schedules and needs


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