Quiz: How many years of life insurance make sense for you?

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Term life insurance can cover you for 10, 15, 20, or 30 years, and the right term length is different from person to person. It depends on your family, your financial situation, and your plans for the future. What term length is right for you? Start this quiz to find out!

Do you have any children?


If you have children, are they under 10?

I have children, and they’re under 10
I have children, but they are not under 10
I don’t have children

If you don’t have children, do you plan to?

I don’t think so
I just told you I have them!

Are you married?

“I do!” I mean, I am.

Do you have life insurance through your employer?


If you have a mortgage, will it be paid off in the next 20 years?

Yes, it will!
No, more than 20
Don’t have one!

Do you have any other debt? (besides a mortgage)

Yes, and it will take a while to pay off
Yes, but it’s pretty manageable


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