Could I have a child with a genetic disease?

From the color of their eyes to the shape of their nose, your baby will be a unique and brand new combination of you and your partner. Discovering how your traits come together to form this tiny new person is incredibly exciting. What many parents-to-be don’t realize though…

Could you be at risk to have a child affected with a genetic disease?

Many parents don’t know that they might be at risk

Even if you don’t have a personal or family history of a genetic disease, you might still be at risk of having a child affected with a genetic disease. The most common way that your child could inherit a genetic disease that you yourself don’t have is if you and your partner are carriers of the same recessive condition. A carrier is someone who has one good copy of a gene but one non-working copy. Carriers of a recessive condition typically have no symptoms or health problems. However, if you and your partner are carriers of the same recessive condition, you have a 25% chance of having a child affected with that condition.

What a parent can do

When it comes to the health of your child, knowledge is power. By having genetic carrier screening, like the CarrierMap screen from Recombine, you can find out your risk of having a child affected with a genetic disorder. Carrier screening is quick and painless; with just a blood or saliva sample, CarrierMap can screen for over 250 of the most common genetic diseases.

If you find out that you’re at high risk, there are steps you can take to prepare for a healthy baby. From embryo testing to simple quality of life improvements, knowing what to expect means you can make a better life for your child.

Carrier screening empowers you to make fully informed decisions. You can request more information or even speak with one of Recombine’s certified genetic counselors to learn more about how CarrierMap can help you plan for a healthy family.

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