Solutions for surprise parenting challenges

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While you can’t anticipate everything, thinking ahead about the transitions your newborn, your family, and your body will undergo can help prepare you for the unpredictable.

Sometimes you’ll need a little alone time

You’ve waited so long to meet your newborn that when they’re finally here, you’ll probably want to spend every second with them. And then suddenly one day, you might discover that “every second” is a lot of seconds.

You don’t need to be cuddling, nursing, or playing peek-a-boo with your newborn 100% of the time to be a great mom. In fact, taking a little bit of space when you need it can make you an even happier and more present parent. Investing in a quality baby monitor can help you take care of yourself while still feeling completely connected. You can enjoy whatever activities help you feel a little more like yourself while keeping a careful eye on the monitor! Your baby napping or playing with their own toes makes for pretty wonderful on-screen entertainment.

One of our favorite monitors is the Baby Pixel® 5.0 Inch Touchscreen Color Video Monitor from Summer Infant®. It has Moonlite™ Night Vision Boost to subtly illuminate the camera’s viewing area for a clearer, temporary, in-color view of your baby in the dark, so you can check in on them easily even if you have to squeeze in that me time in the middle of the night.

Baby becoming mobile

For the first few months, your newborn will be your stationary cuddle buddy, and it might be hard to remember why you baby-proofed your entire home. Before long, though, they will start slithering, then scooting or crawling, and you’ll remember exactly why you reverse booby-trapped your home.

The right tools can help you keep your little speed racer safe as they set off on their hands-and-knees journey. The Baby Pixel has a feature called the SleepZone™ Virtual Boundary, which lets you can create a digital “boundary” box around a selected area that the monitor can see. When your baby exits their safe space, you’ll get a gentle alert. This is especially useful once your baby has grown into a curious (or climbing) toddler!

Transitioning to the tub

Trying to wash a baby in a sink they’ve outgrown can be uncomfortable for everyone involved, especially since babies who can support their own heads and sit up on their own often want to be a lot more involved and playful at bath time.

The Summer Infant My Bath Seat™ is perfect for increasingly mobile little ones who are ready to make the exciting leap from their baby baths to an adult tub. It has three sturdy arms that safely secure the seat against the walls of your tub, so your baby has a comfy place to sit and you have both hands free to play, splash, and gently wash them.

Solutions for all of your surprises

Our friends at Summer Infant are dedicated to making bath time, meal time, play time, and every time in between special for you and your baby. They’re committed to creating innovative, affordable solutions for every parenting challenge.

Haven’t heard of Summer Infant? Check them out! Ovia moms save 20% on any Summer Infant product with the code OVIA20.

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