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Yes, there is a natural genetic link to stretch marks. So if your mom had them, you’re more likely to get them too. Over 90% of women will get stretch marks during the later stages of pregnancy. Just as with wrinkles and bags under the eyes, though, we can do our best to battle our genes.
Stretch marks are tiny tears in the skin that occur when your skin stretches rapidly. Usually, your body’s stockpile of omega fatty acids helps your skin regenerate and prevent inflammation, but when you’re pregnant, your baby is tapping into the same resources, so there isn’t as much for you to use. It’s exactly as nature intended, but as your body gives these omegas away, your skin may lose some of its strength and elasticity.
To keep your skin in the best possible condition, you’ll want to give it plenty of nourishment and replenish any lost omegas – butters and creams filled with organic oils will be your best allies in the fight against stretch marks. Below are some of the ingredients to look for when you’re selecting products that help prevent or minimize stretch marks.
- Organic Avocado Oil:The list of amazing nutrients in avocado oil that help moisturize and protect your skin is seemingly endless: beta carotene, protein, lecithin, fatty acids, and vitamins A, D, and E. Avocado oil can actually increase your collagen metabolism, which has a lot to do with skin elasticity. A 2015 study from the Konkuk University of Seoul, found that creams which have avocado oil among the ingredients have also positive antimicrobial effects.
- Shea Butter: According to the American Shea Butter Institute in Atlanta, shea butter and its high concentration of vitamin A are really important for improving many skin conditions, including blemish wrinkles, eczema, and dermatitis. Shea butter’s healing properties can also treat skin allergies, insect bites, sunburns, and frostbite. Shea butter also has a high concentration of vitamin E, which is great for anti-aging and increasing of micro-circulation.
- Organic Sacha Inchi Oil: This oil comes from the Amazon, and is super rich in vitamin E and other antioxidants. It has a unique balance of Omega 3, 6, and 9 essential fatty acids that are not found in other vegetable oils. It also has a ton of vitamin A, which is what retinoids derive from.
- Water Lily Extract: This unique extract has a mix of very powerful properties. It can strengthen capillaries; soothe irritation, redness, infections, and other skin disorders; and regulate pH levels. It also has anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects.
- Seaweed Extract: A study at the Biological Science Laboratories in Tochigi, Japan, showed that seaweed extract has anti-aging properties because seaweed is a rich source of iodine, which it absorbs from sea water. It’s also rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants.
Everything you need to prevent and minimize stretch marks can be found in nature! Our partners at Mama Mio Pregnancy Skincare have made it their mission to use high quality, natural ingredients to help you look incredible and feel amazing about your body during pregnancy.
Mama Mio’s Tummy Rub Butter, Tummy Rub Oil, and GoodBye Stretch Marks give you the helping hand you need. When you stick to the basics, your skin will thank you. Ovia moms can save 20% with code OVIA20 and an extra 10% off all-trimester bundles with code OVIABUNDLE as an exclusive introductory offer.
Prevent stretch marks now
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