How to use an ovulation test

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When you track your symptoms with Ovia, you have a pretty clear sense of when you’re ovulating thanks to the way our algorithm personalizes your cycle predictions. Sometimes, though, you want a physical test to confirm that you’re having an LH surge, which precedes ovulation, and means that it’s about to be “go time” between the sheets.

That’s where ovulation tests come in. The First Response Ovulation Test helps you determine the time during which you’re most likely to become pregnant by detecting your luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, which fluctuate daily and vary from woman to woman. Once the LH surge is detected, it means that an egg is going to be released from your ovary during the next 24-36 hours. Those two days are the most fertile days of your whole cycle so go get down to business!

How to use a First Response Ovulation Test

Before using an ovulation test, you need to do some calculations first:

  1. Determine the length of your normal cycle. This is from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next. Count the first day of bleeding or spotting as day 1.
  2. Use the abbreviated chart on the First Response package – or the complete one on the insert – to determine what day to start testing. For irregular cycles, also see the insert.

Once you have reached the start day, remove the First Response Ovulation Test stick from its foil wrapper and take off the overcap. Hold the stick by its cool and comfy thumb grip, with the absorbent tip pointed down, and the result window facing away from your body.

Place the absorbent tip into your urine stream for 5 seconds. If you’re not feeling confident about your aim, you can also collect your urine in a clean, dry cup, then dip the entire absorbent tip into the urine for 5 seconds. Wait 5 minutes to read your result and then discard your test!

In just five minutes, you may get either a test line that is similar to or darker than the reference line – and confirm what Ovia has hopefully suspected… that it’s time to get baby-making! If the test line is lighter than the reference line or no test line appears at all, the result is negative and you should continue with daily testing.

What’s also great about the First Response Ovulation Test is that it comes with seven ovulation tests and one pregnancy test, so you can predict your best days to conceive, and determine your baby-making success up to six days before your missed period!¹ Tap below to get your tests.

Get your test

¹ In laboratory testing, Early Result Pregnancy Test detected pregnancy hormone levels in 76% of pregnant women 5 days before their expected period. In laboratory testing, Digital Pregnancy Test detected pregnancy hormone levels in 60% of pregnant women 5 days before their expected period. See package for details about testing early.

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