What labor-friendly hospital is right for you?

If you’re like many moms-to-be, you may have started to think about choosing a hospital for pregnancy or delivery. Now is a great time to start asking questions about how labor-friendly different hospitals are, when thinking ahead to your eventual delivery.

Choosing a labor-friendly hospital — a hospital that prioritizes labor and avoids medical intervention unless necessary — can have a big impact on your birth experience. But how do you know what hospital is right for you?

First, you’ll want to know the hospital c-section rate. While small differences may not be meaningful, if it is much higher than other hospitals in your area you may want to ask questions. How do they support early labor? Will they dedicate the time to allow labor to progress naturally, even if it takes longer than expected? Are they supportive of your birth plan?

Make a list of the things you’re looking for in a hospital, and then take a look at the labor-friendly hospitals in your area to narrow the list. Once you’ve considered the quality of care provided — the labor-friendliness of the hospital — think about what else matters to you. How close do you want the hospital to be to your home? Do they take your insurance? Are you interested in using support tools like birthing balls and showers? Talk to an Ovia health coach for help finding labor friendly hospitals near you. There’s a lot about your labor and delivery that you can’t control or predict, but the hospital you choose is something that’s totally in your hands, and your choice matters.

To get help choosing the birth team that is right for you, contact our coaching team to assist with the search. They can help you find a provider who is in your network and accepting patients.

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