What if my baby’s teeth are crooked?

No one’s first thought upon seeing an adorable little baby face, is, “you know what that needs? Orthodontia.” This means that if those first few pearly whites start to come in crooked, it can cause some worry. It doesn’t need to, though – early crooked teeth often twist themselves right around and into the right position, no braces necessary. In fact, most early childhood teeth differences resolve themselves on their own, or don’t predict any adult tooth problems that show up later.

  • Gap teeth: Baby teeth with gaps between them may worry some parents, but they can actually be a good sign! Gaps between teeth create fewer cavity concerns because saliva has a greater chance to clean between teeth. Baby teeth with gaps are also a good sign that there will be enough room in Baby’s mouth for all of their adult teeth.
  • Crookedness: Crooked baby teeth aren’t related to whether or not adult teeth will be crooked, and often resolve themselves on their own.
  • Overcrowding: Overcrowded baby teeth can actually be a sign that Baby’s adult teeth might be overcrowded as well. Overcrowding is often genetic, and is a good reason to be extra careful in brushing, because tightly packed teeth are at a higher risk for cavities.

To give Baby the best shot at straight teeth as they grow, you may want to make sure thumb-sucking or pacifier use ends before their adult teeth start coming in. It’s also a good idea to help protect their baby teeth, so that they don’t come out before their mouth is ready.

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