Upcoming third trimester travel restrictions

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As you approach your 30th week of pregnancy, it becomes increasingly less likely that you’ll be able to travel safely. Learn why, what you can do to stay healthy, and some tips for making travel plans while you can.

As you get closer and into your third trimester, getting around the house will become a chore, so you can imagine how hard it’ll be getting across the country! We spoke with the travel experts at Orbitz to get some recommendations about traveling while pregnant.

They emphasized that the next few months will go by faster than you think, and that many moms regret not getting away when they had the chance. For last minute bookings, consider downloading the Orbitz app. They’ve made it easier for Ovia users to take one last trip by creating the offer code Babymoon25 which lets you save $25 on select hotels when you book with their app. Thanks Orbitz!

Airline restrictions

Many air carriers impose restrictions on traveling while pregnant, especially at 36 weeks, or 32 weeks if you have multiples. Your airline may require a signed doctor’s note (just like the ones that got you out of gym class), have seating restrictions, or in some cases won’t allow you to fly at all.

You should probably contact your chosen airline before booking to find out what their requirements are. After all, the last thing you want is to get to your gate only to be turned away.

Ground travel

Buses, trains, and automobiles. Though your bus driver won’t require a note from your doctor, extended trips should be avoided while in your third trimester.

Be careful to always wear a seatbelt. Remember that the lap belt should fit snugly under your belly, not across. The shoulder belt will sit between your breasts, against your shoulder not your neck, and go to the side of your belly.

Dangers and difficulties

While some airline policies might seem extreme, there’s good reason for their concern – after all, a third trimester mom could go into labor at just about time. Hopefully your birth story won’t involve being 35,000 feet in the air shouting “is there a doctor on the plane!?”

Another major danger is what’s called thrombosis, also known as blood clots, which form during long periods of sitting. If you do travel, take frequent breaks to stretch and walk around. Also, don’t forget to stay plenty hydrated.

A final concern not often considered is comfort. For example, think about how frequently you’re peeing these days. Now think about your belly being twice it’s current size. Then picture the bathroom on an airplane or commuter bus. See where we’re going with this?

What you can do

Before taking any kind of extended trip, check with your healthcare provider that it’s safe. If your pregnancy is higher risk, your provider might recommend that you stay close to home no matter what.

As we said, your airline might require a note from your doctor giving you the okay. You may also want to arrange a second healthcare provider at your destination in the event of an emergency.

If you’re going out of country and need to get vaccinations, be sure to check that they’re safe. If it’s recommended that you avoid the water or certain foods at your destination, be extra careful!

Travel soon

Traveling is about to become really difficult. Is there distant family you want to see? A destination you’ve always wanted to visit? Need to get away with your partner for one last hoorah? Now is the time. Don’t wait!

Book on the go by downloading the Orbitz travel app, and you’ll get exclusive deals only available for mobile users. Thanks to their price assurance program, you can book with confidence and know you’re getting the best rates available.

Don’t forget to use the code Babymoon25 to take $25 off select hotels when you book using the app.

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