Why you should join the Lansinoh Moms’ Club

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One of the biggest names in breastfeeding has created a program designed to support both expecting and new moms. Get personalized advice and special offers regularly delivered to your inbox. It’s a great way to get all your breastfeeding questions answered.

If you’re planning to breastfeed, you might have some questions. Breastfeeding is a natural process that millions of moms have been through. However, just because it’s natural, doesn’t mean it’s always easy.

As you start to think about breastfeeding, you might worry whether it’s something you can do. We believe it is, and our partners at Lansinoh think so too. For over thirty years, Lansinoh has been helping mothers reach their breastfeeding goals, whatever they may be.

Lansinoh recently created the Lansinoh Moms’ Club, a series of emailed newsletters designed to help prepare you for, and guide you through, breastfeeding. You’ll get lots of great tips and suggestions to help you breastfeed with confidence. If you’d like to sign up, you can tap here to join.

Who is Lansinoh?

The company was started in 1984 by a breastfeeding mom who was seeking relief for soreness. She introduced Lansinoh’s first product, Lansinoh® HPA® Lanolin, which was recognized in 2005 as the #1 recommended nipple cream by lactation consultants in the USA, a title it still holds. HPA® Lanolin is Lansinoh’s flagship product, and it started a nipplecare revolution.

For over thirty years, Lansinoh has been providing advice and innovative products that have helped millions of moms and babies. From nursing pads and nipple care to complete pump-store-feed solutions. It all comes from a commitment to helping moms breastfeed successfully. This commitment led their breastfeeding experts to create the Lansinoh Moms’ Club.

What is the Moms’ Club?

It’s pretty simple: every month throughout your pregnancy, and for one year after, you’ll get a monthly email with lots of information, support, and encouragement as you progress through your pregnancy and then when nursing. You’ll also get special offers for discounts on Lansinoh products, all tailored to meet your needs as they come up.

How do you sign up?

You just tap the button below. That will take you to a brief sign-up form. At Ovia, we think you should get all the information you can. If you’re even a little bit worried about breastfeeding, or simply want to learn more about its benefits or how to do it, then we think the Lansinoh Moms’ Club will be a fantastic resource for you.

Sign Up, take a look, and let us know what you think!

Sign up

This ad is brought to you by Lansinoh®

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