A couple in bed smiling and holding each other.
LeoPatrizi/E+ via Getty Images

Should I wait a day between sex when fertile?

Much of the concern about how often to have sex during the fertile window has to do with the belief that sperm reservoirs can deplete with frequent sex.

Should I wait a day between sex when fertile?

The short answer? It doesn’t really matter. Most research shows that having sex every day or every other day produces similar chances of conceiving, all things considered. While it’s true that having intercourse five times a day could affect how much sperm is available, sex once a day is not likely to cause a problem—and the data says it even helps.

While there isn’t THAT much of a difference between having sex every day or every other day, according to the statistics, sex every day (particularly closer to ovulation) may help your chances of conceiving slightly. When you’re trying to conceive, you might want to increase your odds any way you can. However, the most important thing is that you’re comfortable. If you’re too busy to have sex every night, that’s fine. It will be more beneficial to relax and enjoy yourself when you can.

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