How the Affordable Care Act will benefit your newborn

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The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides a lot of great benefits for you, and your baby on the way. Give your insurance provider a call soon, and when you do, ask them about the following.

Lifelong care

Children under the age of 19 can no longer be denied coverage based on a preexisting condition. Hopefully you won’t have to make use of this benefit, but if you do it’s great to know that your newborn will be covered.

Your child will also be able to remain on your insurance until they’re 26 years old, and insurers can no longer set lifetime dollar limits on coverage. This all means that no matter what comes up in their early life, your baby will be taken care of.

Baby’s nutrition

Prenatal vitamins will often be covered by your insurance provider, and prescription prenatals are great for making sure you get all the nutrients you need. At the very least, almost all plans cover the cost of folic acid supplements.

The ACA also put into place a program that requires insurance companies to cover the cost of a breast pump. We’ve partnered with Byram Healthcare to make the process easy for Ovia moms. They’ll work with your insurance company on your behalf to see that you get a breast pump at no cost to you. You won’t even pay for the shipping.

Byram works with a majority of leading insurers, so it’s likely they’ll be a one-stop-shop for you. Every pump they offer is of the highest quality, and it’s not a rental. It’s yours. See if you qualify, and Byram will take care of the rest.

Changes in the doctor’s office

It’s now possible for your baby’s pediatrician to act as their primary care doctor. If you find a pediatrician that you absolutely love, they can provide medical services for your family as long as you’d like.

The ACA has also put an emphasis on preventative care. For instance, many plans now cover the cost of a genetic screening. Depending on your results, there may be a number of newly covered treatments which could help your newborn lead a happier, healthier life.

Your preconception and prenatal care visits are all likely to be covered as well, so if you’re the type that likes a regular checkup you don’t have to worry about paying through the nose.


Many insurance companies now cover at least part of the cost of a consultation with a number of experts who can help you have a healthier pregnancy. Contact your insurance provider to see if they provide consultations with a nutrition consultant, a personal trainer, or even a lactation consultant.

When you speak to a lactation consultant, be sure to ask about some advice regarding breast pumps. They’re often a big part of modern breast feeding routines. Don’t forget to get yours paid for!

Tap the button below, and if you qualify, Byram Healthcare will do the work of getting a breast pump paid for through your insurance.

See if you qualify

This ad is brought to you by Byram Healthcare

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