Prenatal supplements: when do they matter most?

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You’ve probably heard how crucial prenatal vitamins are during pregnancy. Some essential nutrients, like folic acid, are associated with a lowered risk of certain birth defects. This can be especially important while trying to conceive and during the first trimester as your baby’s major organs, limbs, and facial features develop.

But no matter how far along you are, getting a daily dose of folic acid, iodine, iron, probiotics, and DHA can be important for the health of you and your baby. Here’s why.

Folic acid

The neural tube is an embryo structure that will ultimately form a baby’s brain and spinal cord. It develops within the first few weeks of pregnancy, before many women even find out they’re pregnant. As we mentioned, folic acid (folate) has been shown to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, like spina bifida, when taken early on.

And yet, the need for folic acid goes beyond the first trimester. Research suggests it’s still vital for a baby’s brain development in the second and third trimesters. Also, folate supplementation supports DNA synthesis throughout pregnancy.


Iodine supports the thyroid, which is also essential for brain development. Some research links iodine deficiencies during pregnancy with learning difficulties in young children. The need for iodine increases with pregnancy, and your baby relies on you to supply it, which is why taking a supplement throughout each trimester is recommended.


Your body needs iron to form red blood cells. And as blood volume increases during pregnancy to support the foetus and placenta and move oxygen throughout your body, iron supplementation is often recommended. Also, iron deficiency anemia can make you feel extra tired. Pregnancy can be exhausting as is — keeping your iron levels up might help you avoid unnecessary fatigue.


Probiotics are the good-for-you bacteria that support immunity, digestive health, and overall gut health. Taking a probiotic supplement can also help with nutrient uptake so it might be a good idea to take one throughout your entire pregnancy.


DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid, and it supports development of a foetus’s brain, nervous system, and eyes. While you can get omega-3s by eating fish, eggs, and nuts, many women don’t get enough through diet alone. Taking a daily supplement can ensure you’re getting enough.

Elevit has you covered

Elevit is Australia’s most trusted*, number-one** pregnancy multivitamin. The vitamin and mineral supplement contains 800 mcg of folic acid, meeting the recommended daily intake for pregnant women. Elevit also offers 220 mcg of iodine and 60 mg of iron to meet the increased needs of both nutrients during all three trimesters.

You might also consider supplementing with Elevit Probiotics and Elevit DHA. Each Elevit Probiotics for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding capsule contains billions of healthy bacteria, and you don’t have to keep it in the fridge. With Elevit DHA for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding, you’ll get 200 mg of fish-free DHA sourced from algae with every dose.

Along with eating a well-balanced diet, Elevit pregnancy and breastfeeding supplements can help you and your little one get the nutrients you need throughout every stage of pregnancy.

Learn about the Elevit range today

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*IPSOS Brand Research November 2019
**Leading Australian pregnancy multivitamins as of September 2019

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