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7 habits of highly fertile women
In the spirit of the popular book, we’re bringing you some daily habits that could lead to a more fertile you. At the very least, you’re likely to be happier and healthier, so maybe it’s time to make a few new habits?
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They take a prenatal
You don’t take a pregnancy test until the day of your missed period, so that means you’re likely to be pregnant for a few weeks before knowing. Taking a prenatal will make sure your body has the nutrition it needs to share with a baby. Ingredients in prenatals, like folic acid, have also been shown to improve fertility.
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They use fertility supplements every day
Exercising for one day won’t get you in shape, and taking a fertility supplement once won’t change things. Find a supplement that you enjoy taking, and stick with it. Our partners at Premama are offering a free sample of their healthy, 100% natural powdered fertility supplement drink mix. If you don’t like swallowing pills, it might be a good fit for you. Tap the button below to order yours.
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They’re judicious about being nutritious
How many times have you been told that a nutritious diet is important? Probably a lot. Time to hear it again:
Maintaining a nutritious diet is important!
Try thinking about it as a rehearsal in making positive choices for yourself and your family that aren’t always easy.
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Get plenty of sleep
You can think of a regular cycle as part of your circadian rhythm, or your body’s internal clock. Having irregular sleep patterns can really throw off your system, and this is particularly true if you frequently work late nights or do shift work.
Try giving yourself a bed-time and sticking to it. You’ll likely find that after a couple of weeks you’re able to fall asleep a lot faster, giving you more energy and possibly helping your system regulate itself.
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They track a lot
Identifying your fertile window is the most useful way to increase your chances of conception. The more data you enter, and the more frequently you enter it, the better Ovia will be at identifying your most fertile days. It takes a lot of commitment, but you can stick to it!
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They have a good OB-GYN
Ideally, your OB-GYN should have the following qualities:
- You like them
- You trust them
- They’re available when you need them
- Seeing them is affordable
That’s…mostly it. Having a strong relationship with your OB will make your fertility journey a lot easier, and you should feel free to shop around until you find the experience you’re looking for.
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Take moments to reflect
There are some links between daily stress and lowered fertility. However, taking a few moments everyday to be mindful is about more than just taking a breather.
A great habit for fertility is to relax and reflect. It gives you an opportunity to consider everything you’re doing, the changes that you’re making, and the future you’re building for yourself and your family. Reflection strengthens everything you do.
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Try Premama
Premama Fertility contains Myo-Inositol, which has been clinically shown to help improve ovulatory function and egg quality. It’s non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan friendly. It’s also really easy to take since it’s a powdered drink mix.
If you’d like to try Premama for yourself, just tap the button below and have a free sample set sent to you, and in case you like it your sample packet will also include a coupon for $5 off your first box of Premama Fertility.