When should I order my breast pump?

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One thing we want every mom-to-be to know is that, in most cases, health insurance covers the full cost of a breast pump. That’s right — you don’t have to add one to your baby registry. You can get a top-rated pump completely free.

After discovering this valuable pregnancy tidbit, you might be wondering when to order your breast pump.

The time is now

We’ve got good news. With Acelleron, you can order your insurance-covered breast pump at any time during your pregnancy.

With a baby on the way, you’ve probably got enough on your plate. We recommend checking this off your list ASAP so you can focus on other tasks on your nesting to-do list.

As a maternal health provider, Acelleron makes things easier for expecting moms needing a breast pump. They’ll request a prescription on your behalf, bill your insurance, and send you the pump of your choice.

Here’s how it works

First, you’ll fill out Acelleron’s super simple insurance verification form. Next, you’ll choose your breast pump and accessories. (Some insurance plans also cover maternity compression socks.)

Then all you have to do is enter your information, including your shipping address and expected delivery date. It’s as easy as that!

When will I get my breast pump?

As we said, you can order your breast pump at any point during your pregnancy. However, when it arrives on your doorstep depends on your health insurance policy and your due date.

Some plans allow your breast pump to be shipped six months prior to your due date, while others range from 60 days prior to after your baby has been born. But with Acelleron, you don’t have to worry about ordering a pump on a specific date — you don’t even have to contact your insurance company.

Acelleron will verify your coverage, get a prescription from your doctor, record your selection, and hold your pump for you until it’s time to ship out. Shipping is fast and free, so once you put your order in, all you have to do is wait for it to arrive at your door.

All the best brands

From Medela and Ameda to Spectra, Lansinoh, and Elvie, Acelleron carries breast pumps from all the trusted, mom-loved brands. Check out the selection of products, and choose one that’s right for you and your baby-to-be.

Whether you have a brand-name model in mind or want to explore your options, you can rest assured knowing you’re choosing from the best breast pumps out there. Order yours today, and check “Get breast pump” off your to-do list.

Order your pump today

This ad is brought to you by Acelleron

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