A person using their phone to track moods when trying to conceive

Tracking your moods with Ovia

Many women experience changing emotions over the course of a cycle due to the fluctuating levels of hormones in the body. Our bodies have natural ways of communicating important internal events like ovulation, and tracking your emotional symptoms with Ovia can help you become more in tune with how your moods change over the course or your unique cycle – whether you feel all the feels in roller-coaster fashion or just notice some small nuances of mood at some major phases in your cycle.

Tracking moods and emotional symptoms when trying to conceive

Although emotional symptoms are not as concrete as the results of an ovulation test or basal body thermometer, many people will experience certain emotions prior to ovulation or menstruation due to the fluctuating levels of hormones in the body. Your body has natural ways of communicating important internal events like ovulation to you, so tracking your emotional symptoms can help you take better notice of when it will occur. Tracking your emotional symptoms can also give you a better sense of your hormone levels in general, which are of the utmost importance as all bodily functions are predicated upon maintaining the delicate balance of estrogen, progesterone, and the rest.

What emotional symptoms indicate ovulation?

Many symptoms of diseases, conditions, and bodily processes serve to alert and influence the brain and body to take whichever course of action is best; for ovulation, this might mean influencing emotions that are more likely to lead to sex. Subjective data like emotional symptoms may not be able to indicate ovulation on their own, but they can serve as evidence for, or against ovulation when evaluated in conjunction with other data.

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