Graphic of results from Ovia ovulation and cervical position tracking.

Tracking your cervical position

Your body is amazing in the way that it provides a ton of insight into when ovulation is occurring. One such natural clue? The position of your cervix! And we’re happy to say that this is just one more detail you can track with Ovia to get a better sense of your unique cycle – including when you ovulate.

How Ovia can help you check and track your cervical position

Ovia’s algorithms help you check and learn when you’re most (and least) fertile by interpreting the data you track – including moods, cervical mucus, temperature, and the position of your cervix – to give you  a daily fertility score. The more you track, the more accurately Ovia can predict when you’re ovulating.

How does cervical position indicate ovulation?

If you’re ovulating, your cervix will feel high up, making it harder to reach, and it’ll feel soft and open. This openness allows any sperm in the area to enter your uterus and potentially fertilize an egg waiting there. In contrast, your cervix will feel low, hard, and closed when you aren’t in the fertile part of your cycle.

Here’s a quick reference guide to how your cervix may feel during different fertility levels and cycle times, including during pregnancy:


  • Position: High (hard to reach)
  • Firmness/Texture: Soft (like your lips)
  • Openness: Open (tip of your finger can rest in the little divot, more circular)

Fertile window (approaching ovulation)

  • Position: Medium
  • Firmness: Medium (like your chin)
  • Openness: Medium

Not fertile (both follicular phase and luteal phase)

  • Position: Low
  • Firmness: Hard (like the tip of your nose)
  • Openness: Closed (like pinching your fingers)


  • Position: High
  • Firmness: Soft
  • Openness: Closed

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