A plate of chicken and vegetable skewers.

Four nutrition tips to improve male fertility

Nutrition can have a significant impact on fertility for everyone. Male infertility can stem from low sperm count, poor sperm quality (motility and/or morphology), issues with semen, or other unexplained causes. And nutrition and lifestyle choices can play a role sperm quality and volume.

Nutrition tips to help increase male fertility

If you’re looking for some simple nutrition tips to boost sperm quality, volume and your overall health, look no further!

1. Eat a balanced diet of fish, vegetables, and whole grains

All of these foods will improve overall health and result in more active sperm. They also contain essential nutrients such as complex carbohydrates, fatty acids, and antioxidants. And like with the other tips on this list, these foods are also beneficial for female fertility.

2. Quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption

Tobacco and alcohol have long been linked to issues with infertility, and can significantly reduce sperm count and sperm quality. They can also reduce testosterone levels and cause abnormal sperm. You don’t have to cut out alcohol completely to make a difference here.

3. Try to increase folate intake

Folate is great for everyone! This fertility super star can lead to the production of healthy sperm. Try foods like leafy greens, legumes, and orange juice for that Vitamin B kick. It’s best to try and get your folate from your food, but if you’re struggling to get to 400 micrograms every day, try a supplement!

4. Get more Zinc and Vitamin C

These two essential nutrients can prevent sperm defects and boost sperm movement. A lack of Zinc also makes sperm clump together instead of separating inside the vagina. Zinc can be found in oysters, tenderloin, and dark meat chicken. And a little goes a long way — you only need 11mg per day.

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  • S Sinclair. “Male infertility: nutritional and environmental considerations.” Alternative Medicine Review: A Journal of Clinical Therapeutic. 5: 1: 28-38. Web. Feb-00.
  • Sheweita SA, Tilmisany AM, Al-Sawaf H. “Mechanisms of male infertility: role of antioxidants.” Current Drug Metabolism. 6(5):495-501. Web. 10/5/2015.
  • Wong WY, Merkus HM, Thomas CM, Menkveld R, Zielhuis GA, Steegers-Theunissen RP. “Effects of folic acid and zinc sulfate on male factor subfertility: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.” Fertility & Sterility. 77(3):491-8. Web. 3/2/2015.
  • Colagar AH, Marzony ET, Chaichi MJ. “Zinc levels in seminal plasma are associated with sperm quality in fertile and infertile men.” Nutrition Research. 29(2):82-8. Web. 2/9/2015.
  • uncteam. ” 5 Diet Changes Men Can Make to Help Increase Fertility.” UNC Fertility. June 28, 2017. https://uncfertility.com/fertility-blog/5-diet-changes-men-can-make-to-help-increase-fertility/.

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