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Cervical fluid 101

Tracking your cervical fluid and cervical position can give you a window of insight into when you’re ovulating. But it can be confusing to know what to look for and how to track these two important aspects of your fertility. Let’s break it down!

Cervical fluid refers to the mucus made by your cervix throughout the course of your cycle, while cervical position is the position your cervix is in (high, medium, or low) during your cycle. You can track both in your Ovia app by heading to your calendar. 

How to check your cervical fluid

Your cervical fluid will change color and texture depending on where you are in your cycle. There are a few ways to check your cervical fluid to detect these changes.

  • Wipe before you urinate, and notice the color and feel of the mucus on toilet paper — it may feel slippery, creamy, or dry.
  • Insert a clean finger into your vagina and look at the color and texture of the cervical fluid
  • Check the color and texture of the discharge on your underwear. This works best on white, cotton underwear.

There are certain factors that can affect your cervical fluid such as douching, having sex, infections, using lubricant, and taking certain medications.

What your cervical fluid means

Once you’ve checked your cervical fluid, you can tell whether you are approaching ovulation based on the color and texture of the mucus. Your cervical fluid will usually follow a predictable pattern throughout the course of a 28 day cycle.

  • Days 1-4 days after your period: Dry with no noticeable cervical secretions.
  • Days 4-8: Creamy and sticky, almost the same look as school glue
  • Days 9-14: Clear, stretchy, wet, and slippery, the same look and feel as egg whites; this is the time just before and during ovulation, the best time to have sex or introduce sperm.
  • Remainder of your cycle: Dry, with no visible cervical fluid until your period arrives.

Some things that may affect the pattern of your cervical fluid are if you are breastfeeding, approaching menopause, recently came off birth control or gave birth, or have hormonal conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Check with your healthcare provider if your cervical fluid does not follow this timeline or if you’d like help identifying each stage.

How to check your cervical position

Now that you’ve checked your cervical fluid and have a good understanding of what it means, you can also check your cervix position, another sign of ovulation. Depending on where you are in your cycle, your cervix will be low, medium, or high. Low means it is closer to your vaginal opening and you only need to insert a finger up to the first knuckle to feel it. Medium is right in the middle. And high is up and back far enough that you can insert a finger up to the second knuckle to reach it (or you may not be able to reach it).

You can also feel for the firmness or softness of your cervix. If your cervix is high and soft like an earlobe, you’re likely approaching ovulation. If it feels low and firm like the tip of your nose, it’s not your fertile time just yet. Follow these step-by-step instructions every time you check your cervix.

  • Wash your hands
  • Get in a comfortable position either by sitting on the toilet, squatting, or by putting one leg on the edge of the bathtub
  • Use your index or middle finger to reach inside of your vagina in an upward motion
  • Locate your cervix, which will feel like a firm, round dimple
  • Record your cervical position as high, medium, or low in Ovia

Try to check your cervical position at the same time each day and be sure not to check immediately after sex. Over time you will get more comfortable checking your cervical fluid and position and you’ll be able to quickly identify signs of ovulation. 

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team


Mayo Clinic Staff. “Cervical mucus method for natural family planning.” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. March 24, 2021. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/cervical-mucus-method/about/pac-20393452.

“What’s the cervical mucus method of FAMs?” Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood. n.d. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/fertility-awareness/whats-cervical-mucus-method-fams.

“Cervical mucus method.” Cleveland Clinic. Cleveland Clinic. January 29, 2020. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21066-cervical-mucus-method.

Rachel Gurevich. “How to check your cervix and cervical position.” Verywell Family. Verywell Health. September 17, 2020. https://www.verywellfamily.com/how-to-check-your-cervix-and-cervical-position-1960299.

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