There’s so much information surrounding TTC sex that it can get overwhelming. It seems like everyone has an opinion on different sex positions, timing, and fertility boosting strategies. We’re here to break it down for you with our ultimate do’s and don’t list of TTC sex.
There’s so much information surrounding TTC sex that it can get overwhelming. It seems like everyone has an opinion on different sex positions, timing, and fertility boosting strategies. We’re here to break it down for you with our ultimate do’s and don’t list of TTC sex.
Do try out recommended positions
The best position when TTC is, of course, the position you and your partner most enjoy. While no particular sex positions have been proven to increase pregnancy, deep penetration is recommended when trying for a baby. Deep penetration shortens the distance sperm needs to travel by getting the tip of the penis closer to the cervix. It also improves the likelihood that sperm survive while traveling to the egg. Two positions that can allow for deeper penetration are missionary and doggy style.
Don’t use a generic lubricant
Most people don’t realize that many generic lubes may negatively impact sperm mobility. Sperm need to move actively to reach and fertilize an egg, but they can’t if the lube you use slows them down. When TTC, use a special fertility lubricant that promotes healthy movement, like this one from Fairhaven Health. This lube’s gentle formula works with your body’s natural lubrication to help carry sperm to the egg.
Do try to lie on your back after sex
Ok, so you don’t need to lay down for an hour after intercourse or hold your legs up in the air, but there may be something to remaining flat after sex. A study published in 2009 by the British Medical Journal provided evidence that women who remained lying down for 15 minutes after sex had a 27% chance of conceiving in a cycle, as opposed to an 18% chance for those who got up immediately. It’s important to note that this study was conducted with women undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI) and not conceiving through intercourse. While there’s no clear answer if lying down helps TTC through sex, it couldn’t hurt to stay flat for an extra 15 minutes after.
Don’t forget about your fertile window
You can be intimate whenever you and your partner are in the mood, but there are certain days in the month that you’re more likely to conceive. The five days leading up to ovulation and the day you ovulate are known as your fertile window, and that’s when you should aim to have sex. Ovulation varies from person to person, but is generally around 14 days after menstruation. To know for sure when you’re ovulating, you can use an ovulation prediction urine test like this one from Fairhaven. The urine test can predict ovulation 36-48 hours in advance so that you can get to baby-making!
Do track your basal body temperature
You may have heard that charting your temperature is a great way to track your fertility status, and you’re right! By measuring your basal body temperature daily, you can identify when you ovulate. Once you know the cycle date upon which you usually ovulate, you can then predict your fertile window for the next cycle and, therefore, plan TTC sex at the right time.
However, not all thermometers are created equal. It’s important to use a basal body thermometer because they are more accurate at lower temperatures than regular fever thermometers. Keep a basal body thermometer by your bed and test right when you wake up for the most accurate results. Try this basal body thermometer that provides readings to 1/100th of a degree Fahrenheit.
Don’t forget to have fun with it!
Don’t let the pressure of TTC take the fun out of trying! Remember that TTC sex is a wonderful way to bond with your partner. Try to spice it up and have fun with it — it’ll make the TTC experience way better for you and your partner!
Fairhaven is here to accompany you throughout your TTC journey with science-based fertility products. They have fertility supplements for men and women, pregnancy and ovulation tests, fertility lubricant, and more!
Maureen Salamon. “Do Some Sex Positions Help Chances of Conception?” WebMD. WebMD. February 20, 2020.
Alicia Ogle. “Trying to get pregnant? Select a lubricant that is most helpful for sperm”. Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. June 18, 2019.
Inge M Custers et al. “Immobilisation versus immediate mobilisation after intrauterine insemination: randomised controlled trial”. British Medical Journal. BMJ 2009;339:b4080. Web. October 2009.