Feeling more like you after giving birth

The first few weeks after giving birth can be a rollercoaster.  Caring for a brand new little one while experiencing changes in hormone levels, not to mention the physical recovery and lack of sleep, can make this time overwhelming to say the least.

For many new mothers, the reality of the first few weeks after giving birth looks different than expected. As a new mom, you have to make a lot of adjustments in a short amount of time, so it’s important to give yourself grace. And yes, although it may seem far-fetched now, there will come a time when you will feel less like a walking, talking, postpartum zombie, and more like yourself. In the meantime, here are a few easy things you can do to give yourself a little normality.  

Get outside 

Going outside for a short walk or fresh air is not only great for your mood, but natural sunlight also supports the development of your baby’s circadian rhythms, resulting in more, regular sleep for both of you. Additionally, a short walk or some light exercise can help boost your mood and aid in your postpartum recovery. 

Always wait until cleared by your healthcare provider before starting any exercise regime.  

Drink lots of water 

It’s easy to overlook some of your own needs when caring for a baby, and you can easily become dehydrated, especially if you are breastfeeding. Water helps lubricate your joints, balance body temperature, protect your brain, maintain a healthy blood pressure and assist your body in removing waste, which is super important in aiding your recovery. Drink up! 

Check in with your mental health 

Your body went through some major physical changes, but also emotional and mental changes as well. “Baby blues” is a common condition which can occur in 4 out of 5 of new mothers according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The baby blues occur most commonly within the first two weeks following delivery and can involve feelings of sadness or moodiness but often resolve on their own. While it’s normal to experience mood swings, irritability, sadness and tearfulness after giving birth, be sure to give yourself some space to process your feelings. 

Dietary supplements designed to help support you during those first few days postpartum can be a helpful tool. Blues Away® is a new supplement shake available only on Amazon that has been clinically shown to provide postpartum mood support in mothers in the days after childbirth. Starting on the third day after birth and taken over the next two days, Blues Away® is a clinically tested dietary supplement to help support mom’s mood after giving birth and is suitable for breastfeeding moms.* 

If you feel extreme, prolonged feelings of sadness and hopelessness, reach out to your healthcare provider right away

Accept help

There is a lot going on with your body, physically, emotionally and mentally, all the while you are welcoming a new family member into your home. Allow yourself to fully focus on your recovery and caring for your newborn without any guilt that household tasks are not getting done. While it might not be in your nature, your partner, friends or family can help with necessities, like cleaning, cooking dinner or laundry. People who care about you are willing to help so let them and give yourself one less thing to worry about.


As you put your newborn’s needs ahead of your own and not to mention the laundry, cleaning, and cooking, any self-care might seem completely out of the question. However, tending to your own needs is vital, even if it’s just taking a daily shower, watching a comforting show or getting back into a regular skincare routine. Sometimes, self-care can be simple like adding Blues Away® to your routine. Remember that you deserve some well-earned me time and soon you’ll start feeling more like you.* 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure , or prevent any disease.

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