Climbing toddlers

Just last year, you may have watched in awe as Baby stacked block after block, carefully building their first tower. Fast forward to the present, and you now find yourself watching in fear as your little climber begins stacking objects on furniture, and their body on top of that, in a constant attempt to reach new heights.

For toddlers, climbing is yet another way to do what they do best – explore. While it can be nerve-racking to watch, having a child who climbs is yet another sign of their improved coordination as they grow. It also shows they have the desire to take their curiosity about their environment to new heights – literally.

It’s important for parents to let children learn by doing, but that doesn’t have to mean allowing Baby to make your entire home their personal jungle gym. Here are some safety tips that will allow Baby to experience their climbing high with minimal crashing lows.

  • Provide a “safe” climbing space: If you tell Baby absolutely no climbing, chances are they are going to rebel, and also will find a way to do it when you’re not watching. Instead, if Baby is a climber, set up a climbing space in your home with either an indoor play structure or something self-made. Couch pillows are fun to climb and provide a soft landing in case of falls!
  • Stay in sight: Toddlers are pretty accident-prone, and during the climbing phase, it’s expected that there might be some tumbles, so you’ll want to be sure you’re nearby as they explore to avoid any serious accidents. Try not to hover or to repeatedly call out warnings, though, as doing so may cause them to become too timid to explore.
  • Implement safety measures: Once toddlers begin climbing, everything in the house becomes a challenge they’d like to conquer. Be one step ahead of the game by baby-proofing anything that looks tempting from their point of view. Rocking chairs, step stools, and so on should be packed away to avoid any falls. Any heavy furniture or wall fixtures should be securely fastened to the wall.

Climbing can be scary to watch as Baby learns the ropes, but it’s educational for them, too. Learning to climb teaches children about balance and also enhances hand-eye coordination. Keep them safe by setting boundaries, but also bear in mind falls happen, and are part of the learning process. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your little acrobat’s show!

  • “Learning Through Physical Play.” Early years. Early Years: the Organization for Young Children. Web.

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