doula sitting with woman in delivery room

What’s a doula, and how do they help?

Between managing your symptoms, living your life, making sure Baby is healthy, and preparing for their arrival, it’s only natural you might want a little help along the way. Doulas are pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum support who can help you prepare for and learn more about these big you’re going through.

What is a doula?

A doula is a trained support professional who will help you mentally and physically prepare for delivery. Doulas have non-medical training and experience with various life stages. For example, some may focus on birth support while others are focused on postpartum support. A doula can be a great resource for emotional support and education as they will be able to answer questions you have about pregnancy and birth and provide education and emotional support as your journey to Baby winds down.

How does a doula help?

Because personalized care is the job, doulas can be a huge help when it comes to planning and practicing for labor and birth. Doulas will help you create a birth plan and can explain what-ifs that happen during labor. Labor and birth doulas will actually join you for the big day, as their knowledge and hands on support can be a huge resource for you and your partner. Statistically, people who have a doula have higher rates of vaginal birth and higher satisfaction with their birth experience overall.

Even second or third-time moms can benefit from a doula because every baby is different. A doula can be an excellent resource to help you have a better birth experience or to offer additional support at home once Baby is here! Some are trained feeding experts who can support your early feeding goals once you’re home with Baby. Again, it’s important to note that doulas generally do not have medical training or expertise. They are there for your educational needs and to provide support, but they do not perform medical procedures. Every doula has their own set of experiences and background, so it helps to learn as much as you can about doulas in your area!

Read more
  • Rebecca Dekker. “The Evidence for Doulas.” Evidence Based Birth. Evidence Based Birth, 3/27/2013. Web.
  • Yvonne Butler Tobah. “What are the benefits of having a doula?” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, 1/15/2016. Web.

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