illustration of developing human baby at 29 weeks

29 weeks pregnant

For more information about week 29 in a twin or multiple pregnancy, tap here.

Have you noticed your little one kicking like wild? Baby is a busy bee, growing bigger — and stronger, if those kicks are any evidence — every day!

How’s Baby?

Even though Baby is 15-16 inches tall, the size of a pineapple, and pretty close to birth height, your little one is still weighing in at about three pounds. Baby’s muscles and lungs continue to mature this week, but your baby still has a lot of fat to develop in the next eleven weeks. So keep up with a nutritious diet eating a range of foods that help you feel good. And be sure to continue to include protein, Vitamin C, folate, and iron in the mix, so your baby’s growth stays steady, strong, and on-track.

Baby will also still be moving and grooving in your womb, so keep paying attention to their movements! You may notice your little one’s movements becoming less violent and more regular as they grow to the bounds of your womb. And sometime in the next few weeks Baby’s movements will reach a steady level. 

What’s new with you?

There are many discomforts you might be dealing with right now that are, for better and for worse, a totally normal part of pregnancy. Your body is releasing hormones that relax your muscles in preparation for delivering Baby, but this can slow your digestion, so you could be feeling the effects of acid indigestion. Your growing womb, and the pressure it can put on your abdomen, aren’t helping either. There are a lot of things you can do to limit the impact acid reflux has on your life, from switching to smaller, more frequent meals than you’re used to, to lying on your left side when you sleep. But you should let your healthcare provider know if your indigestion is persistent, and, as always, you should check with your healthcare provider before taking any over-the-counter medication to treat indigestion while pregnant. 

You might also be experiencing constipation, so try to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fiber to stay as regular as you can, as constipation might also lead to hemorrhoids. 

Varicose veins are another issue that plague a lot of folks during their third trimester, so try to avoid heavy physical stress and do what you can to maintain good circulation — maternity compression stockings can help with this. 

The third trimester can also really mess with your head, in the form of headaches and forgetfulness. A good way to manage this is to get enough rest and stay hydrated. You’ll also want to try to avoid tension headaches triggers by managing your stress as much as possible — even if that advice sounds super simple, sometimes it can be easier said than done. If frequent or intense headaches are making it difficult to complete your daily routine, talk to your healthcare provider about safe ways to treat them. And because headaches can also be a sign of preeclampsia, a situation that can be dangerous for both you and baby, if you’re dealing with any headaches be sure to let your provider know about them. 

Finally, as Baby steadily gains weight in the coming weeks, so will you. This is all a healthy part of your pregnancy progressing as you move into the homestretch!

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team
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