Facial hair


The hormone changes in your body during pregnancy can sometimes lead to new facial hair or the thickening of existing facial hair.

What causes it?

The same hormones that can cause the hair on your head to grow thicker and more luscious can also contribute to hair growth in what might be less desirable areas, such as the face. You might also see extra hair growth around your nipples or on your abdomen.


After pregnancy, your extra hormones will stop secreting, and your body will start transitioning back to normal. The hair on your head might seem a little thinner, but any extra hair on your face, belly, or nipples should go away. If the excess hair bothers you during pregnancy, you can try shaving, plucking, or waxing the hair. Talk to your healthcare provider before using bleach to make sure there’s no harm to your or your baby.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team 

Read more


  • Murry, Mary. “Skin changes during pregnancy: What to expect.” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic. June 25, 2011. Web.
  • Adams, Nicole. “Decreased Hair Growth & Pregnancy.” Livestrong. Livestrong Foundation. November 15, 2015. Web.
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