Fun and games: Story time

Whether it’s the way you and Baby wind down at the end of a long, busy day, or one more another active and interactive activity in the middle of your day, reading together with Baby is not only a great way to bond, but also to explore new themes and learn, both about the world, and the vocabulary used to describe it.

It’s never too early to start reading with Baby, even if they doesn’t understand what you’re reading to them, or even what reading is yet. At this point in their life, it’s the sound of your voice that they will like, and as they grow, they will start to understand a little more of what that voice is actually saying.

Early adventures in reading together might go best if you choose books that Baby can interact with – since, at this age, most of the books geared to them have about one word per page, the story probably isn’t going to be the thing that holds their attention. Bright colors are a great place to start, but books that they can feel different textures on, pages with flaps they can lift and drop, and cloth or board books with heavy pages that they can turn with your help are all good bets for getting them engaged when story time comes around.

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