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Fun and games: This little piggy gets creative

Fun and games: This little piggy gets creative

You know the little piggy toe game, right? You get to help Baby wiggle their toes as you sing: “This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy had roast beef. This little piggy had none. And this little piggy cried ‘wee wee wee!’ all the way home.”

Why didn’t the fourth little piggy get roast beef? It’s a cruel mystery, but Baby will love it! You can wiggle their toes as you sing, or they can do it themself. When you get to the last piggy, you can throw in a little foot tickle for good measure.

But that’s not all! You can make this a multi-media activity by turning Baby‘s piggies into an art project or two. Using paint on the bottom of their foot, you can have Baby step on a piece of paper a few times and make a collage. You can draw faces, ears, and tails onto the prints of their foot, and voila, you have a bunch of little piggies! You could also take a pen and draw tiny little piggies onto their toes. Make sure the fourth one looks a little sad to represent their roast beef-less-ness.

Still feeling creative? Cut up some pieces of pink paper into circles and triangles to make little piggies in a different medium. Baby can use colored pencils and crayons to personalize each piggy and add more detail to the rhyme. What did the first little piggy buy at the market? What did the second little piggy do at home? You might not know, but Baby might have some ideas.

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