Encouraging adventurous eating in the second year

Whether they're been slowly transitioning from breast milk or formula to gradually lumpier purees, or they jumped headfirst into finger foods, now that they have a few more teeth, they are probably ready to start to explore a whole new range of different foods – whether they know it yet or not. As always, when introducing Baby to new foods, it’s important to take extra care introducing common allergens like peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, dairy, and seafood. Don’t hesitate to check in with your healthcare provider about a strategy for introducing common allergens. Other than that, though, the sky is the limit and the more new tastes, smells, textures, spices you can get Baby to try, the better a chance they have of developing broad, adventurous tastes in food.

There’s no one right way to raise a bold eater, but there are different strategies that can be helpful in every step of eating, from grocery shopping to preparing meals to sitting around the table.

Choosing the right time of day

For one thing, Baby probably isn’t likely to want to dig into their first big bite of Brussels sprouts when they have just finished a big meal, or is halfway through eating something they already like. On the other hand, if they isn’t as enthusiastic about a new type of food, it’s easy for parents and caregivers to start to worry about a toddler going hungry. Introducing new foods at the beginning of breakfast or lunch means that your toddler is more likely to be hungry and primed to eat something new, but that they have another meal coming up soon, if they doesn’t eat much.

Start with a small amount

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will Baby’s taste in food be. Starting small when it comes to serving sizes of a new dish can help to keep them from getting scared off of a new delicacy before they even get started. This might mean just having a small side-dish of something new as a part of a meal they are already familiar with (they can always have seconds if the new dish is a hit right away) or it might mean mixing a new food into an old, familiar on – for example, adding tiny pieces of a new type of vegetable to a favorite pasta dish. Transitioning slowly by adding new foods to familiar flavors can help keep the new foods from seeming too shocking.

Show them you love it

At this point, Baby has probably learned most of the things they know about the world, so why should how they feel about peas be any different? Giving your toddler the chance to see you enjoying your healthy dinner is one of the reasons eating meals together as a family is so highly recommended, and telling them how you feel about what you’re eating is just taking that idea to the next level. As you’re eating at the table you can start by talking about what foods you’re eating. Describe what they taste like. Tell your toddler how good they are, and how strong and energetic they help you grow. If Baby sees you eating it, they are more likely to try it.

Good ol’ peer pressure

As Baby grows more social and interested in other children as they grow, you’re not the only one who can have an impact on them by leading by example. If they is around other children their age who are eating exciting new foods, they may be more eager to try new foods, too. This isn’t always an easy example to find for them, but if you make a point to talk to other parents, you’re sure to find one or two whose little ones boldly eat what few toddlers have eaten before, and who might be up for a lunch date. Just be wary about making comparisons between their eating habits and Baby’s when you’re talking to them, since that can lead to power struggles over food.

Don’t give up

Getting toddlers onto the right track with a wide variety of solid foods is a tricky process, and it’s one that can leave many families feeling frustrated. Between the food throwing and the swatting of spoons out of the way, it’s easy to feel like you’re not succeeding when it comes to encouraging your toddler to enjoy a wide range of different types of food, but at Baby’s age, it’s common for it to take a while for your efforts to start to make a difference. The important thing is to just keep cool and keep trying. With enough persistence, they will be eating new and exciting foods as each week goes by. Perhaps there will (gasp!) come a time when you can serve everyone in the family the same thing for dinner. Patience is the name of the game!

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