
How do solids affect a baby’s poop?

As soon as Baby begins moving away from a steady diet of breastmilk or formula, their stools should become firmer. This is normal and no cause for concern, but to avoid constipation or pain when passing those stools, be sure that Baby eats plenty of fruit and vegetable-based foods. In fact, even certain plant-based foods, like applesauce or bananas, can cause or add to constipation, so introducing other foods in-between, instead of introducing both back-to-back could help Baby‘s bowels out.

Primary colors

Whether you’re an adult or an 8-month-old baby, certain foods can alter the color of your poop. Don’t be surprised if giving Baby a lunch of strained peas and a dinner with pureed carrots produces green and orange stools respectively.

Extra aroma

Solid foods contain a wider range of nutrients and enzymes than breast milk. And because Baby is still learning how to properly chew and digest these foods, eating them on a regular basis can produce gas and smelly stools. This should pass with time.

Accelerated evacuation

We all need some fiber in our diets to keep our bowels moving, but Baby’s first encounter with fiber-rich foods like beans and broccoli puree might lead to some speedier-than-normal outputs. As Baby keeps growing, their body will learn how to fully digest fiber. However, if Baby passes diarrhea after a feeding a few times, especially if they develop rashes, or has bloody stools, you may want to re-examine their last few meals to identify possible food allergies. If you suspect Baby might have a food allergy, it’s important to check in with your healthcare provider, especially in the case of bloody stool.

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