
5 reasons to do a parent-baby music class

Whether you were a piano prodigy before you were walking or your talents are best expressed by singing in the shower, there’s a good chance that music is an important part of your life. Of course, there’s no reason you can’t share the music you love with Baby right from the comfort of your own living room, and with the added bonus of getting control of the stereo, too. But there are a few reasons why many parents choose to sign up for classes specifically to share an appreciation for and participation in music with their children.

  1. Time After Time
    Sure, we live in an age where you can listen to pretty much anything you want at pretty much any time, and without having to wrestle Baby’s stroller down the stairs, or schedule class times around nap time. But for so many busy families, choosing a music class can actually be the best way to make sure the time to share music with Baby actually happens. You may have the best intentions in the world to set aside an hour after dinner to spend singing and dancing with your little one, but an unexpected phone call or reminder that a certain game is on that night, or even a case of the dishes taking longer than they should can get in the way of family music time until it gets put off for another day. With a parent-child music class, the time is already set aside and dedicated for exactly that.
  2. You’ve Got A Friend In Me
    Parent-child classes of all kinds are great ways to connect with other parents, and to help Baby themself get acclimated to being around children their own age, even if they are a little young to really make friends. Music classes in particular are great because after even just one, the ice is already broken – half an hour of singing silly songs with Baby and dancing around like a monkey should be enough to drain any self-consciousness about starting a conversation with a stranger right out of you.
  3. As Time Goes By
    While it’s hard to find a quantifiable and definite difference that early music exposure will have on Baby‘s development, numerous studies over the years have pointed to cognitive, linguistic, and developmental benefits of early music education in children. And even if these studies don’t have everyone completely convinced, there certainly aren’t any studies that even suggest that music might have a negative effect on babies.
  4. Think For Yourself
    Of course you’re ready and excited for Baby to be an independent thinker bursting with their own ideas and strong opinions – but wouldn’t it be nice if some of those independent, individual tastes happened to be for some of your favorite music? It would certainly make long car trips easier as they get older. Pick a music class that shares some of your tastes, and you’re helping to form the basis for what Baby even knows music is. A 2012 study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences suggests that music exposure at as early as 6 months old can start enculturing children in ways that can affect their tastes as they grow.
  5. Babies Just Want To Have Fun
    More than anything, the point of taking a class with Baby is to bond with them by having fun together. Finding a shared interest that makes both of you happy is something you and Baby will be able to build off of for years to come, and if you think a shared music class might be the beginning of that interest, it’s probably worth checking out!

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