Baby Sleep Schedule

Bedtime when your baby starts pulling up to stand

Should you ever wake a sleeping baby?

Baby’s sleep and daylight savings

3 keys to napping

Why do some newborns lose weight?

Your toddler the early riser

Normal napping patterns in almost-two-year-olds

Dealing with toddler sleep regression

Getting your toddler’s sleep schedule back on track

How much sleep should a two and a half-year-old get?

Setting reasonable bedtimes as your toddler moves into childhood

Being flexible with the bedtime routine

Is my almost-three-year-old ready to stop napping?

Tips to encourage uninterrupted sleep in your newborn

Pros and cons of quiet time at bedtime

Napping patterns in the third year

Bore your toddler to sleep: Last-resort bedtime reading

When your toddler resists naptime

Sleep overview: 18 to 24 months

Tips for breaking the pattern of bedtime battles

Signs your toddler is ready to drop a nap and how to do it

Six things to work into your bedtime routine

When do babies develop circadian rhythms?

3 bedtime routines from parents like you

Help! My baby won’t sleep through the night

Changing napping patterns

Baby’s sleep at 6 months

Getting your baby to fall back asleep on their own

Baby’s first full night of sleep

Sleep overview: 12 to 18 months

When your toddler can’t fall asleep

Handling your toddler’s nightmares