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How to survive pregnancy without caffeine

Once you find out you’re pregnant, one of the first changes to your usual routine might be skipping that second (or third, or fourth…) cup of coffee. Most experts recommend limiting your caffeine intake to less than 200 mg a day (which is about one or two small cups of coffee). But do you usually start the afternoon with a venti latte? Or grab a pre-workout beverage? Then, you probably aren’t terribly excited to hear about these recommendations. But fear not! There are a lot of energizing and delicious alternatives.

Caffeine alternatives

  • Decaf drinks: If you love a regular cup of joe, try tricking yourself with decaf coffee for the same taste without as much caffeine. Keep in mind, though, that decaf doesn’t mean caffeine-free, as decaf coffee may have a small amount of caffeine, but far less than regular coffee.
  • Tea: The benefits of tea have been widely appreciated for centuries – it comes in lots of delicious varieties, tends to have a soothing effect, and has great health benefits, including improving mental alertness. Be careful in your selection, though, since teas like green or black tea do contain lower amounts of caffeine. Look for caffeine-free varieties if you want to skip caffeine entirely.
  • Sparkling water: If you want a kick of carbonation without any caffeine, sparkling water is a great way to stay hydrated and wake yourself up.
  • Hydrate: If you’ve gotten eight hours of sleep (one can hope!), that’s eight hours your body has gone without consuming any water. A lot of morning drowsiness can be linked to dehydration. Try drinking a tall glass of water as you make your way through your morning routine, you might be surprised by how alert you feel.
  • New snacks: You might think the only way to get your morning buzz is by drinking a cup of coffee, but there are lots of snacks that can energize you just as well, like nuts, cereal, and fresh fruits.

Energy, the natural way

In addition to changing the way you eat and drink, continue to get regular exercise to keep you energized. Make sure you’re eating small meals and snacks throughout the day and adding protein where you can. If you feel absolutely exhausted around the clock, talk to your healthcare provider. Many pregnant people have changing levels of iron, thyroid hormone and more that can drastically impact how you feel. Take advantage of free moments to stretch or nap, and you’ll have no problem keeping up the stamina to support your growing baby.

Read more
  • “Moderate Caffeine Consumption During Pregnancy: Committee Opinion Number 462.” ACOG. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 8/10/2015. Web.
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