30 weeks pregnant with multiples

The weeks are really beginning to count down now, and 30 weeks probably seems like a pretty significant milestone! It should, as you’re getting awfully close to meeting your little ones. If you’re having quadruplets, it may even be time to start making introductions, since the average quad pregnancy is delivered at this gestation.

This is the time to start thinking about practical preparation for your babies’ arrival. Let’s talk about what they’re up to in the womb this week and what you can do to make sure you’re ready for delivery day. 

How are the babies?

Your babies are close to their birth height now, but are continuing to put on weight. A single baby in the uterus would put on about half a pound each week from this week forward. Twins and multiples have more competition for space and tend to gain weight more slowly, but carrying more babies means you’ll be seeing some weight gain, too. This is a normal, healthy part of the third trimester.

Since they’re adding more fat, they’re beginning to shed their lanugo, the downy layer of fine hairs covering their bodies that’s been keeping them warm until now. While they can open their eyes, their vision is still extremely poor, but it will continue to develop until delivery. It should be as sharp as it will get around 34 weeks gestation, then will become clearer once they’re born.

Your babies are close to 3.5 pounds each now — about the size of a cantaloupe!

How are you doing? 

Feeling a bit short-tempered these days? It’s normal for the mood swings you thought you’d left behind in the first trimester to reappear as you near the end of your pregnancy. Forgetfulness is also common.

It’s hard to say exactly what causes these symptoms, but lack of sleep may be to blame. Finding a comfortable position at night gets tougher as the weeks progress. And your sleep is likely being interrupted by an increased need to empty your bladder at night.

Try finding a cozy spot to sleep over the next few weeks — even if it’s unconventional. The sofa or recliner could be better suited to your body right now, so don’t feel bad about leaving your bedroom to catch some z’s. 

Let’s plan ahead!

Deciding who you want to be with you on delivery day is an important decision that external factors may influence. Some people want just their partners by their side, while others prefer additional support persons, like extended family or a doula.

Your hospital may have a policy on how many people you can have in the room with you during delivery, particularly if you’re having a C-section. Talking with your physician or OB team in advance can help answer questions about who will provide medical care and who can be with you for support during delivery, making planning easier. 

It’s also worth considering whether or not you want visitors after your baby arrives, either at the hospital or at home. Let your friends and family know your decision, so you can welcome your babies as publicly or privately as you wish.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team


  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. “Multifetal gestation: Twin, triplet, and higher order multifetal pregnancies.” National Guideline Clearinghouse. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, May 2014. Retrieved May 15 2021.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. “Twin pregnancy: What multiples mean for mom.” Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, December 13 2014. Retrieved May 15 2021. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/twin-pregnancy/art-20048161.
  • “FAQ: Multiple pregnancy.” American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, July 2015. Retrieved May 15 2021.
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