Fertility period tracker

The Ovia Fertility period tracker can help you keep tabs on what your body is doing before you get pregnant. Learn how to predict when you're most fertile or when your ovulation window is strongest by tracking your menstrual cycle. Use the period tracker for missed periods, timing sex, and predicting ovulation. Ovia Health has helpful resources and articles to tell you how.

woman sits on couch, smiling at her phone

More than just periods: Menstrual cycle 101 

A person laying down on their bed.

How do I know if I’m pregnant, or just late?

A woman looking off into the distance.

No period, no positive pregnancy test- what happened?

A person looking at their pregnancy test.

The best time to take a home pregnancy test

A person reading a book.

The ABCs of TTC: The acronyms you need to know when trying to conceive

A person checking their phone.

Should I use an ovulation predictor kit?

A person looking down in a big room.

Does a negative pregnancy test mean I’m not pregnant?

A woman looking at phone thinking about tracking her ovulation cycle.

Five signs you might be ovulating

Graphic of results from Ovia ovulation and cervical position tracking.

Tracking your cervical position

A person looking at her phone, using the Ovia Health ovulation tracker to determine fertile cervical position.

Can cervical position predict fertility?

12 different drawings of lightbulbs to represent tips on how to get pregnant fast

18 tips to get pregnant faster that actually work

A woman on phone looking up information about a conception tracker.

What should you track when trying to conceive?

A couple looking at their phone looking up information on how to track the fertile window.

Tracking fertility to get pregnant faster

A person sitting outside on their cellphone looking up information about ovulation and the fertility window.

When exactly can you get pregnant? All you need to know about the fertile window

woman sits at the kitchen counter looking at her phone

How you can benefit from tracking your fertility if you’re TTC

Digital graphic with the words 'fertility aids' on the bottom left side.

Ovia Family Award winners: Fertility aids 

A graphic of a leaf growing to represent the Ovia Fertility application.

How Ovia can help you be your healthiest, happiest self

Ovarian egg traveling in fallopian tubes during ovulation representing when you ovulate.

Learn about when you ovulate: One egg’s epic journey

Here’s when your fertile window opens and closes

Graphic of underwear to represent cervical fluid tracking.

Tracking your cervical fluid with Ovia

A cellphone, pen, bag, and other items on a bed to represent using Ovia Fertility versus other tools to track your ovulation.

Using Ovia to track your ovulation – even with an irregular cycle

Person circling a day on the calendar with a pink marker to represent how to track your period.

When’s your period? How to track yours with Ovia, and how we predict when it will come next

A person using the Ovia Fertility tracker on their cellphone device.

From cervical fluid to sleep: How tracking your body’s signs and symptoms can identify when you ovulate

A person laughing in a red and white stripped room.

Are my periods irregular?

A phone on the bed to represent how to use it to track your luteal phase.

Tracking fertility during the luteal phase

A person using their fertility tracker app from Ovia Health.

Tracking fertility during the fertile window

A person on their laptop and cellphone looking up information on how to track fertility at their proliferative phase.

Tracking fertility during the proliferative phase

A person looking up on their phone how to track their menstrual phase.

Tracking fertility during the menstrual phase