Pregnancy Pains

Abdominal aches and pains during pregnancy

Serious pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore

Burning after intercourse

Runny nose


Redness in the right leg when pregnant

Redness in the left leg when pregnant

Right leg swelling when pregnant

Left leg swelling when pregnant

Tenderness in the right calf when pregnant

Tenderness in the left calf when pregnant

Intense abdominal/pelvic cramping

Round ligament pain during pregnancy

Fever during pregnancy

Hot flashes during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids when pregnant

Shoulder pain when pregnant

Joint pain when pregnant

Vaginal irritation when pregnant

Pelvic girdle pain when pregnant

Pelvic discomfort/pressure when pregnant

Numbness/tingling when pregnant

Headaches when pregnant

Breast pain when pregnant

Abdominal/pelvic cramping when pregnant

Breast tenderness when pregnant

7 best ways to relieve pregnancy backaches

Protein: the blueprints for Baby

Backaches when pregnant

Pelvic floor muscle exercise in pregnancy and postpartum – should I do it?

Nipple soreness when pregnant

Heartburn when pregnant

7 tips for pregnancy constipation