Life during pregnancy

woman shopping looking at shampoo

Products to avoid while pregnant

pregnant person and partner in a car

Traveling while pregnant

woman bottle feeds baby

Choosing a bottle for baby

woman holds her heart in meditation

Connective Matters: About your Heart

Pregnant woman looks at computer smiling while holding her bump.

Prenatal colostrum collection

Every baby is a new dance partner

Breastfeeding gave me a sense of peace and connection to my babies

african american new born baby hand holding mom finger on white bed

Preterm birth: avoidable for you and your baby

Dear Ovia, How to deal with my mother-in-law?

Dear Ovia, Will we still have time for each other?

Dear Ovia, How to get my partner involved in baby preparations?

Breaking down BMI

woman practices yoga

Interested in prenatal yoga? Start here

Pregnant woman sits on yoga ball

Prenatal exercise & movement FAQ

Pregnant woman sits on the bed holding her stomach

Navigating pregnancy in a bigger body with a history of disordered eating

Pregnant woman with eyes closed reclines with headphones on

How to manage anxiety about labor and motherhood

Pregnant woman with headphones on looks at phone

How to take care of your mental health during pregnancy

Woman speaks with a provider

Managing your prenatal mental health if you’ve experienced a loss before

Pregnant woman holds her bump

How to cope with a challenging pregnancy

A pregnant woman drinks a cup of orange juice

The truth about food allergies and pregnancy

two women cuddle on the couch, one holds her bump

Birth certifications and second parent adoption

woman kneels on hands and knees on a yoga mat with eyes closed

What is the pelvic floor?

5 ways to spend your birthday pregnant

Mother in hospital bed with newborn

Birth plans: delivery environment, pain management, and more

10 interesting facts about breastfeeding

8 ways to prepare yourself for breastfeeding success

A woman holds her newborn baby and feeds them a bottle.

Combining formula and breastfeeding

Fun ways to reveal Baby’s sex

6 reasons why you should write a birth plan

Digital graphic of candle, someone sleeping, a yoga mat, and other items that help reduce stress.

Stressless Fest recap

Pastry chef, Lindsay and her family

Meet bake-at-home mom, Lindsay Morrison

Mom and baby

How much does it cost to have a baby?

Baby care in the first week: the (not so) basics

illustration of developing human baby at 33 weeks

33 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 32 weeks

32 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 31 weeks

31 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 30 weeks

30 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 29 weeks

29 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 28 weeks

28 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 27 weeks

27 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 25 weeks

25 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 24 weeks

24 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 22 weeks

22 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 21 weeks

21 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 20 weeks

20 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 19 weeks

19 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 18 weeks

18 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 17 weeks

17 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 15 weeks

15 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 13 weeks

13 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 7 weeks

7 weeks pregnant

illustration of human zygote at 6 weeks pregnant with developing buds

6 weeks pregnant

9 self-care essentials for today and every day

5 ways your whole family can find some calm 

6 easy, meaningful ways to celebrate your mom if you’re apart

COVID-19, postpartum, and breastfeeding: Your questions answered

illustration of developing human baby at 37 weeks

37 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 35 weeks

35 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 34 weeks

34 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 26 weeks

26 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 23 weeks

23 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 16 weeks

16 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 12 weeks

12 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 11 weeks

11 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 10 weeks

10 weeks pregnant

fetus at 9 weeks

9 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing human baby at 8 weeks

8 weeks pregnant

illustration of human zygote at 5 weeks pregnant

5 weeks pregnant

illustration of developing fertilized egg with three germ layers

4 weeks pregnant

illustration of fertilized egg implanted into uterine wall

3 weeks pregnant

illustration of blastocyst developing and inset image of fallopian tube

2 weeks pregnant

illustration of sperm going into egg

1 week pregnant

celebrating Black birth workers of the past

Celebrating Black birth workers of the past

Seven doulas you should know

For Black families, change is coming one doula at a time

Women’s history through her healthcare

Women’s history through her healthcare

Four midwives you should know

Meet 4 midwives dedicated to evolving the Black maternal landscape

Image of a group of women cooking.

What you need to know about iron-deficiency anemia

A person sitting down by their laptop and using their phone.

Are there any complications of a molar pregnancy?

pregnant woman packing bag on floor

All Your FMLA and Maternity Leave Questions Answered

pregnant woman packing her hospital bag

Packing a delivery bag

Pregnant couple sitting on the floor

Sweet, simple, shareable: special ways to announce your pregnancy on social media

happy pregnant couple

Maintaining healthy relationships

Forgetfulness when pregnant

woman breastfeeding baby

Signs that your baby is hungry (and full!)

pregnant woman holding onesie

Registry checklist: Just what do you need?

Baby's room

Outfitting baby’s room: Everything you need – Part two: The extras

woman holding breast pump

Your guide to breast pumps

pregnant woman working

Staying safe at work during pregnancy

couple on the floor with newborn

Inducing lactation in the non-gestational parent for LGBTQ couples

two fathers holding their baby

Parental leave for non-genetic parents

women looks at pregnancy test

Telling family and friends about your pregnancy

Mocktails during pregnancy

pregnant woman holding stomach

Mindful pregnancy and delivery

woman on computer and phone

Unexpected costs of having a baby

pregnant woman walking with friend in park

Making new friends during pregnancy: mom group 101

parents with their newborn

Bringing Baby home from the hospital

bottle and bags of breast milk

Breast milk storage basics

pregnant woman working at computer

Prepare finances for parenthood: new baby, new expenses

couple kissing on a date

Relationships during pregnancy

pregnant woman and friend stand over crib

Outfitting baby’s room: Everything you need – Part three: Where to get the goods

pregnant woman taking selfie

7 creative ways to document your pregnancy

woman getting nails done

Hair and nail care during pregnancy

woman in hospital bed with newborn

Baby’s first minutes

newborn meeting dog

Questions to consider before introducing baby to your pet

friends having patio party

Maintaining boundaries during pregnancy

new mom working at kitchen table

Getting back to work after having a baby

pregnant woman with mother

Preparing friends and family for Baby

pregnant woman looking at strollers

What I bought for my fourth baby (and what I didn’t)

pregnant couple with baby socks

Budgeting for baby: From childcare to college, the items you should plan for now

pregnant woman playing music for baby

Playing music to Baby

Pregnant woman sitting on bed peacefully

Talking to Baby

pregnant woman napping

Fatigue and exhaustion when pregnant

expecting couple painting wall

Preparing for parenthood: getting your partner ready for baby

friends touching pregnant woman's stomach

Responding to unwanted belly rubs

Rules for pets during pregnancy

child kissing moms pregnant stomach

Preparing kids for a new baby

woman working on laptop

Planning parental leave: Q and A

child sitting on pregnant mothers lap

Family life during pregnancy

woman smiling at pregnancy test

Early signs of pregnancy

Mother breastfeeding baby

An intro to breastfeeding


Preparing your nursery for multiples

mother breastfeeding baby

What does breastfeeding feel like?

Pregnant woman in hospital

The hospital stay: real advice on what to expect from other moms who’ve been there

How to manage working from home

Newly pregnant? Everything you need to know

women holding newborn

Keeping your newborn safe from whooping cough

What exactly is the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) for birth control?

Pacifiers for Baby

Maternity bras: staying supported

How a doula can support you during pregnancy and postpartum

Continuing to breastfeed when going back to work

I couldn’t produce enough milk, but I am not a failure: What I wish I knew about breastfeeding when I was struggling to feed my babies 

How you can get more milk when you pump

7 tips for bottle feeding

Breast pump cleaning guidelines

5 pumping tips for working moms

The self-care you need when breastfeeding

Why it’s normal to have complicated feelings about breastfeeding

Breastfeeding tips for the vegetarian mom

A breastfeeding journey

Lactation consultants: what they do and how they can help

5 positions every breastfeeding mom should try

Getting your newborn to latch on

How to find a supportive breastfeeding community

Breast pain while breastfeeding: What’s normal and when to get help

Breastfeeding benefits for you and your baby

How breast milk changes as your baby grows

How often should a baby breastfeed?

The two-month baby checkup: A play-by-play guide

Pregnant woman relaxing

Pregnancy relaxation techniques: keeping it calm

Your baby’s name is just a swipe away!

Recognizing unsafe relationships

Simple ways to make your Mother’s Day special 

How to actually get alone time when home with kids 

Your guide to working from home with kids

Staying connected with your partner

How friends and family can help out, even when apart

Babymoons: like a honeymoon with a bump

Things to do in the last weeks of pregnancy

pregnant woman holding miniature airplane

Flying during pregnancy: everything you need to know

two babies in hats sleeping next to each other

Hosting a gender neutral baby shower

happy pregnant couple preparing dinner in the kitchen

Date night ideas for expecting couples

pink and white baby shower display table with desserts and flowers

Baby shower planning

Practical ideas for the baby shower list

Top baby shower games

Having fun during pregnancy

pregnant woman smiling into jacket

Hiding your early pregnancy

The top baby names of 2018


The writing on the wall: what to do about your baby’s legal name

woman lying with baby outside on a picnic blanket reading a book

Popular baby names and their meanings

little boy dressed up in old-fashioned clothes

Baby names we wish were still popular

Matching names for multiples

closeup of man and woman and baby's hands together

Birth announcements

How to build a maternity wardrobe you love: Yes, it really is possible!

Adoption and the office: How to talk about – and celebrate – it

How to be a more confident parent

All about colostrum

A guide to cloth diapers

Illustration of baby talking

Parent names for same-sex couples: What should baby call you?  

Yes, you can job hunt while pregnant

Myths and facts about WIC

pregnant worker illustration

What we can do about the bump bias: Ovia co-founder Gina Nebesar on pregnancy discrimination at work

Feeding your baby in the NICU

Take all the time you can: the importance of parental leave for non-birthing parents

Newborn formula vs. regular formula

Tips for the big drive home

Diaper bag essentials

piggy bank next to little ballet slippers

The costs of having a baby

Short-term disability for maternity leave in the US

Baby naming strategies

parent titles in LGBTQ+ families

A parent by any name: Parenting titles in LGBTQ families

Feeding your newborn: Baby’s gotta eat

mom laughing with her baby on a changing table

Changing table must-haves

todder reaching for a pan on a hot stove

How to baby-proof your life

Second time parents: twice around the block

8 tools for the perfect mocktail

Things to re-use for baby number two (or three, four, or more)

mother holding sleeping newborn baby out of crib supporting head

First time parents: helpful tips

Pre-baby price cuts

Car seat safety